Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Desert.

Dear Reader,

Been awhile since I posted and this is because I've found myself going through a dry spell of sorts. I've been feeling stagnant in a lot of areas and found it almost impossible to read, pray, or make any decisions. I don't think it would be wise for me to begin posting things about life and all with mine getting so off-base. But through much pleading and grace, I'm finally starting to see a bit of growth through this hard situation. It's very hard to go through a dry season of no emotional connection to God, hardly any motivation, and a lot of challenges between how you feel and what's true. Still, it's obvious the Lord has purpose in this and is fighting for me. It's like the Jon Foreman song, "be patient as the Lord punishes me for the wrongs I've done against Him, after that He'll take my case. Bringing me into light and justice for all I have suffered."
I had to remind myself this morning why it is that I not only believe in God, but follow Him wholeheartedly. Because it's not the my God reaps the best benefits, or that He makes the most sense, or that He's the only one who's like He is. It's that He is the only God, and I have no where else to turn, not that I would ever want to. Thankfully though, He is all those other things too! Another good reminder the Lord has given me in reaping the fruits of this struggle is that He deeply cares for me, and because of that any efforts I make to obey Him are for the purpose of building a relationship and can been seen as service not imprisonment. So I don't have to worry about being perfect (doing it right, doing it enough, and doing it wrong), but instead remember I'm serving Him out of love. Both His love for me and my love for Him.

I think one thing I've forgotten is that I can love Him through Christ, and I couldn't do that before my salvation. What's amazing though is I don't save myself from these dry spells, but I plead for grace, without deserving a response, and He gives one in due timing.
The best insight I got through this time, or one of the best, was from my friend Leandra. She didn't know it, but spoke great wisdom into me, calling this "an opportunity to trust Him." I had forgotten that my trials are not something to draw me away, but closer to the Lord (although my feelings would say otherwise, the truth speaks to this).



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