Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Dear Reader,
sorry about the cruddy page design. It's a work in progress and will be changing soon. So a bunch of crazy things are happening today.. I'd go from least to most interesting, but truthfully none of them are that interesting when you think about it. So here it goes in random order!
Firstly, I had over 100 views in the past three days which is what I usually have in about a month which really surprised me...
Secondly, it's extremely busy at work because mortgagers don't like to pay their bills on time. So that's fun.
Lastly, last night I slept for like 13 hours. Fell asleep at like 7 pm and woke up this morning around 8 am. I woke up at about 2 am completely awake, but there's no way I could've kept myself busy at 2 am... Although, I kind of wish I would have stayed up just because there something cool about being up when no one else in the world is functioning and I don't exactly know why.
There was a huge thunderstorm last night and those always get me excited. Something about them just screams of God's presence and reminds me of His returning. That was something I really needed a reminder of, because lately I feel so distant from Him.

In other news, the Ecuador fund-raising is starting off well. I think God's going to teach me a lot about trusting Him and about His people too.Can't wait to tell you, Reader, about all that I experience in Ecuador. I'm very excited to go there.

My next DIY project will probably be posted tomorrow. I'm going to work on a few things tonight.

Until then,


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