Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Don't Like My Alarm Clock.

Dear Reader,

So I would like to start by stating that waking up at 5 am usually sounds like the start to a bad day. Yes, BUT today was pretty good. Good weather, good day at work (as much as it can be). Good time with family.
Before I go on to talk about the family time, let me share with you what I found in someone's pocket today:

Will someone please share with me what the heck this thing is? I was baffled.

But onto the subject of family.
We had a wedding show for my brother and his fiance, Caroll today at the park. It was really cool to have a semblance of family for once. Not trying to make this a sob story, but my family is pretty broken to say the least. This marriage is a true blessing to me and, I think, all of us. Firstly, there were more than 10 people there and we all actually had fun and bonded. I can't tell you how rare that is. I'm looking forward to the relationships I'm going to gain with my new brother-in laws (as well as the other in-laws, who all seem to be pretty great people just in general) and with my own brothers. What's truly great is that Carol and my brother both love to plan get-togethers, so now we'll all have more of a chance to grow closer. Believe me this means a lot to me.

Something else awesome that has happened today (sarcasm) is that I've realized I'm a part of a small group of  people in my dorm who doesn't go home for the weekend. So this is a lonely post to you, Reader. Still, tomorrow is my day of rest and my day with my family away from home, Lot Family! Which I look forward to tremendously.

For pictures of this awesome day with family, go to my Facebook page :] fanks.



  1. It looks like a rockstop to me.

  2. It's used by cellists and bassists to keep their instrument from sliding out of place while they're playing.
