Dear Reader,
Today I saw just a bit more proof that the Five Love Languages is really prevalent. If you aren't familiar with Gary Chapman, or his books, you need to look them up. I would recommend them for anyone at any stage of life. They don't just help with marriage, but ALL relationships. These are the two I recommend most:
Today I ate lunch alone for the third or fourth time in a row. I realized that it hurt me so much when I got rejected by the other people I usually eat with because of the Love Language concept. Mine is Quality Time. Granted, sometimes Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation take 1st place, but that one is usually the primary language I speak. The concept behind the Love Languages is that when you speak someone's well, they feel loved and feel more willing to return love. When you do the opposite, it hurts them the worst.
At first, I didn't know why, but it basically ruined my day -or at least that's how I felt- when they didn't want to eat with me. It also made me feel a little more temperamental or easily-flustered.
The best thing in these situations is to realize others may not understand how to communicate well or know how they are not loving you as you expect to be love. Extend grace without question.
But it was nice to understand why it effected me so much in this situation. For those of you out there who haven't read this book, my contention is, change that!
P.S. (not doggin' on the people who didn't eat lunch with me haha)
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