Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My life doesn't always have segues, why should my stories?


FYI: Introduction to theology notes are not similar to English notes...

Here are the stories behind my title:

So, my communications teacher doesn't favor me because I talk to much. Does anyone else see that as ironic?
Yesterday I saw a baby fall out of a stroller (Selah due to mental image).
Today I told Ben Schulte that I had a blog. He thought I said bong so you can imagine how confusing the following dialogue was for him.
Also, today I learned how to spell segue.
I saw the video double rainbow for the first time and laughed super hard. Is that guy on drugs?
I woke up this morning with Frosty the Snowman stuck in my head and tried to convert the lyrics into something that points out that hats don't turn inanimate frozen liquid into well-mannered gentlemen. Sadly, I failed.

Lately I've begun to question myself more and more. I believe that a lot of what I see in God is based upon things I've learned from others and those things are not always correct. Then I turn and look at the state of my own heart and I'm ashamed of it. Still, my hope in this has been that there is always an answer to my questioning. That answer and hope isn't found when looking in myself, but at someone greater than I.
He is my hope.


1 comment:

  1. What was wonderful about this post is that the minute after I posted it God allowed Himself to show His love to a girl in my dorm through me. We talked about our suffering and discovered the amazing hope that lies only in meditation on who God is. Thank you Lord for reaching the lost and including us in YOUR story.
