This post has one purpose, to share with you the vision for missions in Ecuador and hope that you will partner with me.
This will be the third trip to Ecuador to visit Steve and Sandy, the missionaries we partner with. From March 23-30th we will be spending our time serving this couple and helping them reach out to their community. Steve and Sandy have planted a church in Quito and have made a major impact on their community.
Our main goal on this trip may be different from many trips you've experienced or heard of previously. We aren't their to convert the people of Ecuador to our American lifestyle and we aren't there to save the people of Ecuador. Our purpose on this trip is to highlight the work that is already being done for Christ in Ecuador and serve Steve and Sandy and encourage them as best as possible. We want to go in and out of Ecuador and not leave a mark that shows how great the Americans are, but how awesome Christ is and ultimately point all efforts back to Steve and Sandy.
This trip will teach us all what it looks like to serve other fulheartidly, setting aside ourselves completely. As for me, I look forward to experiencing what foreign missions looks like and serving the children and women in Ecuador. We will all get to experience how Steve and Sandy handle the tough life style of missions, which can be tiring and sometimes lonely and watch as they get to experience fellowship with other believers and can be encouraged to keep going.
Steve and Sandy have mentioned to our church how much this trip means to them. They described it like this, "Usually, after a team leaves it feels like a hangover and we're glad for them to be gone." But for our trip they said the morning after we left they all sat around excited and feeling full of energy, and they all were sad that we were gone, but excited to continue the work that God had for them.
This trip means so much to our church, our team, Steve and Sandy, and the people in Ecuador, who we have now built relationships with after just 3 trips. Imagine what God could do on this one.
Now comes your part. This trip is totaling at $1,050 per person, which is a hefty cost. If you feel a heart for Ecuador, foreign missions, or just have a heart to give please let me know. This offer is so that, although you may not be able to go to Ecuador, you can be a valued part of it. Our worship leader, Brandon Castle, said it to me this way: "If only thirty people [the team that we are sending] are being blessed by this trip we aren't doing it right." This is simply a way for us to extend our hands to you and to give you the opportunity to be a part of this and to give.
My Pastor, Marc Sikma, stated this verses about giving that I think really capture the heart of the people who will help us fundraise in this trip: luke 21:1-4
Remember, there are 30 of us going to Ecuador, not just me. Let me know if you want to help someone else go to. We all appreciate your hearts and especially your prayers.
Please pray:
- that we will serve without putting emphasis on ourselves
- that God will grow the team before we go
- that He will provide us with opportunities to love on the people there, as well as Steve and Sandy
- that Steve and Sandy will be encouraged
- for the long-term missions in Ecuador and that the gospel will be proclaimed.
Thank you so much,
link on our website:
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