To whom it may concern,
It's so easy to see the church in a better light when we compare it to marriage. Sometimes I forget why I joined Matthias. I get so comfortable sitting with the body each week, hearing the message and hugging people, and I overlook why I fell in love in the first place. Then I take a step back for just a moment, out of the chaos of all we do and what's happening in our body, and I look this beautiful bride in the face for a moment. I remember getting to know Matthias and how everything about it was just what I wanted and needed in a church and how easy it was for me to become a part of it. To be completely, 100% behind everything that it did. Sometimes I lose sight of that as time goes on, my responsibility grows, my "duty" tend to outweigh my passion. Still, I love this body so much. I look at all the individuals I look up to and love so deeply and I'm filled with pride for my home and my love. God has blessed me so much with these people.
On another note,
I don't think I deserve this awesome display of affection God has been pouring out on me. It's like everywhere i go He's there and whispering into my heart. Sorry if all of this seems sappy (although really I'm not), but this is what my relationship with God is like- an actual relationship. I'm so glad I can finally say that without it seeming fake, but I feel like He's finally doing that work in my heart that I've always so desired. As a woman, we have very different desires in our relationship with God, perspectives on how He works, and expectations of what we think should be happening (not that we can demand anything from Him). Part of that is desiring to be desired and the other part is living out this lovely relationship. I see it others so often and for some reason I just always doubt that He can do it in me too. Yet, He's always amazing me. I desperately desire to want Him more than anything else, and I feel He's showing me how to. It's quite exciting.
This is what true friendship is like,
the opposite of loneliness and shame,
it's like love all around,
this defines all other relationships.
How overjoyed I am to be a part of it.
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