Discovering rare Jon Foreman music is like meeting Santa Clause on Christmas Eve at the age of 8 when everyone starts to tell you he's not real and then he tells you that you really are getting "that really cool thing".
Warning: The previous sentence is completely off topic. The topic will now drastically change.
So sorry, Reader, for abandoning you for awhile. I have been up to actually living a non-digital life... for the most part. May I go on a short tangent about our technological era. Firstly, I see it as a blessing in so many ways, but it's also like become a thief. I feel like technology meets so many desires and robs us of so much sight. We now are so much more vulnerable to forgetting about the people around us. What's just as sad as the previous statement is that we have become desensitized to the happenings in society. My next story will be my elaboration on this point.
In Sociology today we spoke of slavery, which we sub-categorized into human trafficking etc. What was sad is that we could all rattle off so many stories about what we knew, yet spoke of it so lightly. Not a single heart in the room seemed to even feel pain for this.
Later today, (and this will tie in, I promise) I was watching the new X-men movie and a certain scene got me thinking. Charles and Erik (magneto) are having this heart-to-heart and Charles explains to Erik that when he saw his past (via mind reading) that he felt the pain and anger he suffered. Then these two grown men weep. Mind you, I realize this is simply a movie, but still! We're speaking of the Holocaust! An event which completely shattered the lives of millions and still can be related to today. Then I think of these girls in China, who are being taken from their homes and brought into a life of sexual slavery, which becomes all they know, at the age of as low as four! How can our hearts not break? But still, we hear things like this every day and we become accustomed to the world and think nothing of its tragedies.
Reader, pardon me if I seem foolish, but I refuse to let the world be. I have this strong conviction that the world isn't meant to be hopeless, why else would the Christ come to die? Do you understand? In my own life, I refuse to give up on my family, to allow them to think that hatred and life without purpose is "living it right". Even if on my death bed they refuse to listen I won't stop trying to tell them, and show them, otherwise.
If my heart isn't breaking (not only for children in Africa or China) for any broken hearts and lives, then I don't see the point to my living. I strongly believe we are put here for two types of relationship: 1) "Creatorship" and 2) Fellowship. This is something I've learned through losing my dad and I hope I never lose grasp of.
Reader, please join with me in whatever way you can. I hope I was clear in this. Sometimes things I am passionate about don't always come out right.
Passion is always hard to express in text, and even in words. You are always so encouraging to me to get out there and love on people. Thank you, and thank God:)