Saturday, September 17, 2011

It Sounds Bad... But It's Not: I Had Fun At The Bar Last Night...

Oh Reader,

I am full of it! What "it" is, I'm not sure, but I am quite certain I have more than enough!
Today I spoke with a Panamanian about Christ and it was overwhelmingly good to see his world change at hearing my Savior's goodness! What a blessing that was. Then I joined in some fellowship at the El Shaddai Ranch (which was slightly lame!).

Last night was quite the adventure. Me and Katie BS saw the infamous Clayton Jones perform in New Town and danced out hearts out with some drunk folks and partied all the way home in the car to Ke$ha and MUTEMATH! We also got lost, relocated ourselves, found a squirrel, and a guy at the bar held my hand to entire song while spilling his drunkard drinks all over me. It was all hilarious!

Today someone told me they dreamt of me... I'm pretty sure it was attempt to express their feelings for me (which I have rejected multiple times...) and I began to get pretty frustrated by this. So, I have decided that this is my conclusion on the guy subject. Firstly, if someone tells you their feelings aren't synonymous with yours, please don't keep trying to express your "undying love". Secondly, why is it that after someone says they just want to be friends that they automatically become utterly ignored? This is hurtful! Lastly, asking someone out or telling them you're "in love with them" over a text is never going to get you a date.. I hope.

Sorry for the ramblings on guys that was just truly hitting a nerve today. It becomes hard to lose your heart in the Lord when these things happen. I long to see more men pursuing pure friendships with the girls around them and protecting their hearts. Then passionately pursuing them after establishing a real friendship. Until I see this in a guy the answer will always be no, sorry.

Here's the video of the raccoon findings and some fun bar times by the way :] (sorry they're all sideways..)
This is Katie discovering the raccoon..

In this video, we find Mitch taking away my phone and randomly filming everyone's face for some reason..

This video is just of the awesomeness of these guys! They were great!

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